
Monday, August 17, 2009

Prayer Of Peace and Wholeness Update

To date the Prayers Of Peace and Wholeness practice here at St Francis Place in Wheatland Mo. have been a success. Even though there have been some tough times over the past few weeks, an atmosphere of Peace has prevailed. One man I work with has calmed down considerably. He has gone from primarily negative in attitude to positive, and has even recieved a job promotion he has been working at for the past several months. My own personal attitude has also improved. I do not worry about things which used to upset me, and no matter how bad things get I can always return to a state of Peace and Calm. So things have been going well by way of cultivating Peace and Wholeness here. And the work goes on!

I still do not have a firm idea of how many people are praying with us. So far only 3 people including myself have joined the online discussion group. But I know from responses recieved on UTube there are more participating with us in an informal fashion. If you would like to participate in a more formal way send an email to me so we can all keep in touch and keep one another informed and encouraged. Working together we can not only work to improve our own lives, but the lives of those around us, and yes...even the world at large. Remember, Peace and Wholeness begin at home, but spread out much further than that!!!

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