The Bridge Of The Holy Spirit.
"You will know them by their fruits." -Jesus
What is the mark of Salvation? Christians have argued about this for centuries. Some say membership in one church or another, while others maintain that the mark of Salvation is some special ability or gift such as speaking in tongues. In the Gospel Jesus simply states, "You will know them by their fruits."
What fruits could Jesus be talking about? I believe the Apostle Paul hits the nail on the head when he speaks of the fruits of the Holy Spirit; among them being patience, Love, and understanding. I believe that when we see these qualities in another human being we see, in some small way, the Presence of the Holy Spirit. And when we see these qualities in another human being present in a very strong and powerful way, we see the Presence of the Holy Spirit made Manifest!
In the early Christian Church, when people faced hardship and persecution for the name of Christ, even the enemies of Christianity made mention of one fruit in particular, "See how they love one another!" It was this Love which set the Christian apart, a form of Love we have forgotten in the 21st Century. That Love is called in the Gospel Agape, the completely unmerited love of God which is freely given to all and then radiated back out by all who recieve and live in this Love. John wrote of Agape, "God is Love, and those who Love abide in God." This simple rule still holds today. Where ever we see Unconditional Love in action, we see God coming once more into this world. It matters not what a person calls themself, so long as they live by Love. In this Love the Holy Spirit makes known its Presence and God abides uniting all.
In the videos that follow our teachers and musicians speak of Love in the most radical form; the Love of enemies and the power to forgive those who have harmed us. It is a message we do not hear in the world today; not in the media nor even in most churchs. It is, however, a message we very much need to hear today. It challenges us all to live as God intended!
Ajahn Brahm of the Buddhist Society of Western Australia. On Forgiveness and True Spirituality.
Peter asked Jesus, "How many times must I forgive my brother when he sins against me, seven times?" Jesus answered him, "Not seven times, but seventy times seven times."
Music by Larry Norman. If God Is My Father.
"This is how you should pray: Our Father in Heaven..." Matthew 6: 9-15
"I See Me In You, And You In Me." Discourse On Inter-Being With Thich Nhat Hanh.
"May all of them be One, Father. Just as You are in Me, and I am in You, may they also be One in Us..." John 17: 21
Music by Crux and Rev. B. Everything Under The Sun.
"Tell me when everyone under the sun will be One."
Meditation In Poetry. Please Call Me By My True Names by Thich Nhat Hanh.
Gospel For Today: Matthew Chapter 25: 31-46
"Whatever you do to the least of these, you do it to Me."
Closing Music. Prayer Of St. Francis. Music by Denis Sorenson.
Denis Sorenson was the Tenor in the "3Ds" a popular singing group of the 60's. He was so impressed by The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, that he put the words to music. This was performed at a concert commemorating their 25th aniversary. More can be learned about the 3Ds on the Phoenix Records website:
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