Sunday, April 3, 2011
Sunday April 3, 2011. Meditation at "The Rustic Hermitage".
Yesterday was a wonderful time of new discovery in old places. Due to the presence of other private retreat groups we were unable to meet in our usual location for meditation. Instead we had the opportunity to use a new facility which we otherwise might have missed, the "Rustic Hermitage" located at The Hermitage Spiritual Retreat Center in Pittsburg Mo. It was a rare treat!
Words really can not describe the place, nor even pictures (alas I forgot the camera!) do justice to it. But I will take a stab at providing a description any way. The Rustic Hermitage is a small cabin (about large enough to fit one comfortably and to hold a sitting group of up to 8 snugly) which has been divided into 4 living areas during an individual retreat. There is an area for sleep with a single bed; an area for prayer and meditation, an area for study, and an area for eating. There are no walls or obvious dividers on the inside, just one open room separated by function and a slight difference of floor elevation. The cabin is located deep in the woods of Lake Pomme de Terre in a setting that is quite and peaceful beyond words. Outside the cabin is a spring stream and water fall which trickles softly past. Fr. Paul told me we should have a fun and fruitful experience, and he was right. On our next trip out I will try to take pictures for the websites to give the readers a better understanding as to the peacefulness of the location. Let it suffice for now to say we had a very peaceful and rewarding meditation far from the world of Koran burning Christian extremists attempting to incite Muslim extremists. This was an oasis of peace in a desert of fear and misunderstanding. A peace and closeness to God our world so desperately needs at this time in our history.
Peace and Blessings To All,