
Monday, July 27, 2009

Prayer of Peace, Recovery, and Wholeness.

Tonight and every night at 8 pm CT(2 am GMT for our International Friends) St Francis Place will be hosting a time for Prayers of Peace, Recovery, and Wholeness, and we invite all of our friends in the Internet community to join us. Prayer and Meditation will last from 8 to 9 pm CT (2-3 am GMT), and again at 1-2 am CT (7-8 am GMT) and will focus on the manifestation of Peace and Wholeness in our lives and local communities. During this time our prayers will be directed not in praying for peace and wholeness, but in manifesting peace and wholeness; in being peace and wholeness. Recognizing that peace and wholeness are already in our lives and feeling that peace and wholeness in our hearts, giving thanks for this blessed gift, and projecting it outward into the hearts and lives of our friends, families, and communities. In this way we recognize the gift that God has already given to us, and seek to manifest this gift more fully in ourselves and in the world around us.

If you wish to participate simply drop whatever you are doing between the hours of 8 and 9 pm (2-3 am GMT) or 1-2 am CT (7-8 am GMT)and Pray and Meditate with us, where ever you may be. If you are unable to keep the whole hour, whatever time you can give will be helpful, even if only a few minutes. In God's time only the present moment exists. All other measures of time are simply constructs!

The St. Francis Place Prayer Group now has a Discussion Board running on Google Groups. This should allow those participating to keep in regular communications more easily, and help in coordination of Prayer Group Intentions and Activities. To access the Board, follow the link below:

Registration on the Discussion Board is free, so join up today. The group is Non-Denominational and Inter-Faith; all are truly welcome!

Looking forward to your participation in this time of prayer.

God Bless,

Ralph & Heydi
St Francis Place
Wheatland Mo. USA

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