
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Did Jesus Meditate? Q9

"Q9. Around this time Jesus went out into the hills seeking solitude and spent the entire night in prayer. At daybreak, he came down with his disciples. A great crowd of people from all parts of Judea, Jerusalem and the coastal region of Tyre and Sidon had come to hear him and be cured of their diseases. Fixing his eyes on his disciples he began to speak: "Fortunate are you who are poor, for yours is the realm of God."

Editor's Note: "Prayer" in ancient Palestine usually meant the recitation of long set prayers often proclaimed aloud and in public. In retreating to the hills for long hours of solitude, Jesus was probably engaged in what today we would call Meditation."

From the book The Lost Gospel Q: The Original Sayings of Jesus. Marcus Borg PHD, Consulting Editor. Ulysses Press. Berkeley Ca. 1996.


Anonymous said...

It is certainly not a far stretch to think that before making such a big decision Jesus would sit quietly and be present.

Ralph said...

Makes perfect sense to me as well. To me meditation and prayer go hand in hand!