
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How Can We Know God?

Part 1.

On trying to understand the Infinite Ground of All Being, the Ultimate Reality (a.k.a. God) using finite and limited human minds and expressing this Truth in the limited and finite terms of human speech. The task is impossible! Like trying to pour the ocean into a jar, one can not contain even the notion of God completely in any one set of man-made religious doctrine or dogma, let alone the Reality of God! Only by direct experience of God can we hope to understand God, knowing even as we ourselves are known. How does one attain this experience? Through the practice of Meditation. As the scripture says, "Be still and know that I Am God."

Part 2. Silent Meditation Time.

The sounds of the evening calm after a day of heavy rain. Nature speaks!

Who Or What Is God?

Talks by Anandmurti Gurumaa on Mind, Body and Spirituality

Who or what is God? How does one express the infinite in finite human terms? No words can adequately describe God; God can not be defined in a satisfactory way. The best way to get an understanding of God is through the experience of God through prayer and meditation. The mystics of most all religious traditions tend to agree on this point. God can not be defined, but one can gain a direct experience of the Divine through meditative practice. Who or what is God? The answer can be found within!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Thich Nhat Hanh - The Energy of Prayer

Upon the publication of his book, "The Energy of Prayer", Zen Master the Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh was asked by Publishers Weekly to answer ten questions about prayer and about his teaching. This dharma talk is a response to those questions: "Some Christians -- those who think of God as someone external and powerful and transcendent -- would be surprised to know that Buddhists pray. What would you say to them?”

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Change. Music by Tracy Chapman.

Accepting Change.

Do we really believe in change, even change for the better, for ourselves and others? So many times we hear, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks," or "Once a criminal always a criminal." We have many other similar sayings which we repeat or hear on almost a daily basis. Yet as people who claim to be followers of Love who are called to a life style of Love and Forgiveness, should we not have a different attitude?

I few years ago there was a lady in a church Bible study I once taught who shared with us what her church was doing in its prison ministry. Her church would send out missionaries to a local prison to witness to the inmates and share their experiences of Salvation through Jesus Christ. These missionaries had an open loving attitude towards the inmates, and where very successful in reaching many of the men while incarcerated. Some inmates were so moved by the missionaries that upon their release they would re-settle in that church's general area, and try attending their Sunday services. This is where a problem developed. The church did a wonderful job of preaching the Gospel, as they understood it, to the inmates while they were in prison. But, when the former inmates began to mingle with the church members during the Sunday service, the attitude of the average church member seemed to be that of rejection of the former inmates. "Not in my church!" seemed to be the prevailing attitude! They just could not accept the possibility that these men had changed, and made them feel most unwelcome. As a result, none of the former inmates ever joined the church which was so kind to them while behind bars, but could not accept them in their own community of faith.

Jesus taught a different kind of Gospel. "Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us," and "If you hold your brother bound by his sins, so will your Heavenly Father hold you bound by your sins." Jesus taught radical Love and Forgiveness. Why? Was it just to be nice, or to have people consider Him a lunatic? No. I believe Jesus taught this way because He firmly believed (and more than believed...He knew) in the power of the Transformative Love of God; the power to change for the better. This is the Love which turned prostitutes and thieves into Saints. The Love which turned murderers into followers of Christ. It is the same Love which has the power to transform our world today, if only we shall let it. But if the power to change is to take root, we must accept it into our own lives and allow for the possibility that change can and will come for us and for others. Most seem able to accept the possibility of change for the worst. Now as followers of Love, we must open ourselves up to accept change for the better!



The Power To Change Through Practice Of Meditation

No matter if you are 8 or 80, it is never too late. Change your thinking and change your world!